Legal notice

1. Publisher information

L’éditeur peut à tout moment modifier les présentes en actualisant ce site. Ces modifications vous engagent et nous vous recommandons de consulter régulièrement ce site pour prendre connaissance des termes et conditions en vigueur.

Les dernières modifications de cette politique de confidentialité ont été faites le 3 janvier 2022.

2. Credits

Production: Aloha Communication
IT Department: Guénifey
Hosting: Ionos
Photo credits: Rights managed: Guenifey

3. Copyright

The publisher owns this website. No reproduction of this document, even partial, other than those provided for in article L 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, may be made without the express authorization of the publisher. Copyright notices must be visible on each copy of the publication whether it is used in whole or in part. All rights attached to copyrights remain the property of the owner.

3.1. Reproduction on electronic media

The reproduction of all or part of this site on an electronic medium is authorized subject to the addition in a clear and legible manner of the source ( and the mention “Rights reserved ”. The information used must only be for personal, associative or professional purposes; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded.

3.2. Creating links to

The site authorizes the establishment of a hypertext link pointing to its content, provided that it does not use the deep linking technique, i.e. the pages of the site ( must not be embedded within the pages of another site, but accessible by opening a window. It will be necessary to mention the source which will point via a hypertext link directly to the targeted content. Attention ! This authorization does not apply to websites disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic, xenophobic nature, etc. or which may, to a greater extent, offend the sensitivity of the greatest number of people. The publisher declines all responsibility with regard to the data confidentiality protection practices and policies of the sites to which we may be linked by hypertext links and we urge you to read them.

4. Scope of content

The information contained on the site is the sole responsibility of its author and cannot engage the responsibility of the publisher. The publisher does not give any guarantee as to the quality, accuracy, timeliness, order or completeness of the information or documents on this site, and is not required to update any of the information or documents on this site. this information.

5. Protection of personal data

In accordance with article 32 of law n° 78-17 of 06.01.1978 amended in 2004 and the General Data Protection Regulations (n° 2016/679), we inform you that personal data (civil status, nominative lists from population censuses, electoral lists, tables of successions and absences, tables of personnel registers, death notices, etc.) are subject to automated processing by GUENIFEY for the purposes of searching for heirs . This data is reserved for the use of the services concerned (in particular genealogist-researchers) and can only be communicated to the following recipients: notaries and insurers. You have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. You can also object to processing for legitimate reasons. To exercise your rights, please send a letter to the Data Protection Officer at the address:

5.1. Privacy Policy

GUENIFEY is committed to protecting your privacy. By using this site, you accept the processing of your personal data as described in this privacy policy.
This privacy policy defines and informs you of the way in which GUENIFEY uses and protects the information that you transmit to us, where applicable, when you use this site accessible from the following URL: www.etudeguenifey. com.

Please note that this confidentiality policy may be modified or supplemented at any time by GUENIFEY, in particular with a view to complying with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological developments . In such a case, the date of its update will be clearly identified at the bottom of this policy. These modifications bind the user as soon as they are put online. The user should therefore regularly consult this confidentiality and use of cookies policy in order to be aware of any modifications.

5.2. Connection data

Site connection data (log files) are used only for site security (detection of possible intrusions) and to estimate general site traffic (example: the most visited sections). These connection data are kept for 13 months to allow us to establish annual attendance statistics and then they are destroyed.

6. Personal data

Generally speaking, you can visit the Site without disclosing any personal information about yourself.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016, and the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 as amended, GUENIFEY informs you of the following points:

6.1. Identity of the data controller

The data controller is: the IT Systems Director in office

6.2. Purposes of processing

GUENIFEY may process your Personal Information:

  • (a) for the purposes of providing you with the information you have requested to receive; and/or
  • (b) for the purposes of collecting information allowing us to improve our Site (in particular through cookies); and/or
  • (c) for the purposes of being able to contact you about various events relating to Guénifey
6.3. Recipients

GUENIFEY is the recipient of your Personal Information. These, whether in individual or aggregate form, are never transmitted to a third party. GUENIFEY does not sell the personal data of visitors and Users of its Site.

Right of access and communication of data
You have the right to access Personal Information that concerns you. However, due to GUENIFEY’s obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data, you are informed that your request will be processed provided that you provide proof of your identity, in particular by producing a scan of your valid identity document (in the case of a request via our dedicated electronic form) or a signed photocopy of your valid identity document (in the case of a written request). GUENIFEY informs you that it will be entitled, where applicable, to object to requests that are manifestly abusive (due to their number, repetitive or systematic nature). To help you in your process, particularly if you wish to exercise your right of access by means of a written request to the postal address, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter developed by the National Commission of ‘Informatique et des Libertés (the “CNIL”)

Right to rectify data
Under this right, the legislation empowers you to request rectification, updating, blocking or even erasing data concerning you which may prove to be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete. Also, you can define general and specific instructions relating to the fate of personal data after your death. If applicable, the heirs of a deceased person may demand to take the death of their loved one into consideration and/or to make the necessary updates. To help you in your process, particularly if you wish to exercise, on your own behalf or on behalf of one of your deceased loved ones, your right of rectification by means of a written request to the postal address, you will find by clicking on the following link a letter template developed by the CNIL.

Right of opposition
The exercise of this right is only possible in the one of the following two situations: When the exercise of this right is based on legitimate reasons; or When the exercise of this right aims to prevent the data collected from being used for commercial prospecting purposes. To help you in your process, particularly if you wish to exercise your right of opposition by means of a written request addressed to the postal address indicated in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter developed by the CNIL.

6.4. Concerns

If you think that the publisher has not complied with the above points, please let us know by sending a letter to the following address: Guénifey – Service Communication – 70 rue Tramontane – 13090 Aix- in Provence. We will then take care of identifying and correcting the problem.

6.5. Reply duration

GUENIFEY undertakes to respond to your request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information within a reasonable period of time which cannot exceed 1 month from receipt of your request.< /p>

6.6. Complaint to the competent authority

If you consider that GUENIFEY is not respecting its obligations with regard to your Personal Information, you can send a complaint or request to the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL to which you can send a request electronically by clicking on the following link:

6.7. Right of access

In accordance with the Law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you have a right of access and rectification to personal data concerning you. If you want to exercise this right, simply write to or to the Study’s Informatics and Freedoms Correspondent at In accordance with our principles, this data is never transferred to third parties for commercial or marketing reasons. The publisher undertakes contractually to ensure the strictest confidentiality of the data thus entrusted, except under judicial injunction.

6.8. Modifications to the terms and conditions

The publisher may modify these at any time by updating this site. These modifications are binding on you and we recommend that you regularly consult this site to read the terms and conditions in force.

The last modifications to this privacy policy were made on January 3, 2022.

6.6. Complaint to the competent authority

If you consider that GUENIFEY is not respecting its obligations with regard to your Personal Information, you can send a complaint or a request to the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL to which you can send a request electronically by clicking on the following link:

6.7. Permission to access

In accordance with the Law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you have the right to access and rectify personal data concerning you. If you want to exercise this right, simply write to or to the Study’s Informatics and Freedoms Correspondent at In accordance with our principles, this data is never transferred to third parties for commercial or marketing reasons. The publisher undertakes contractually to ensure the strictest confidentiality of the data thus entrusted, unless required by a court order.

6.8. Changes to terms and conditions

The publisher may modify these terms at any time by updating this site. These modifications are binding on you and we recommend that you regularly consult this site to read the terms and conditions in force.

The last modifications to this privacy policy were made on January 3, 2022.

Legal framework

In accordance with articles L.616- 1 et seq. of the Consumer Code, after unsuccessful written complaint to the GUENIFEY company, the heir can contact the consumer mediator, registered on the national list of consumer mediators established by the consumer commission. evaluation and control of consumer mediation, whose contact details are as follows: Mr. Gérard Gaucher – Consumer Mediator Genealogists of France and Professional Genealogy – 51 Chemin des Grands Moulins, 69400 GLEIZE –